donating is a gift to the giver

10% of all charitable gifts are made in the final three days of the year.

And an estimated 20% of all online donations come in December 31.

So this time can be super-powerful for your mission.

YET, some nonprofit leaders stress about — and cut back on — asking.

Their rationale = We sent direct mail! We asked at Giving Tuesday! We did a holiday card! It’s too much! We’ll alienate people! Panic! Stop the presses!

I’m here with a a reminder for your fundraising heart… and a reality check you can share with your boss (or your board, or whoever is holding you back).

✨✨ Donating is a gift to the GIVER. ✨✨

And fundraising isn’t a dirty business: You’re a facilitator of health, happiness, belonging, and JOY. For both beneficiaries and your donors.

“Helper’s high” is real!

Here’s what giving does for your donor — all backed by solid research:

Higher reported life satisfaction and happiness

✨ Lower mortality rates, improved physical health

Increased positive emotion (by activating endorphins, oxytocin, and dopamine)

Higher self-worth

✨ Better social connection, sense of belonging

✨ Reduced stress

✨ Sense of meaning and purpose.

Why would you rob anyone of the chance to access all this goodness?

DON’T stop asking now.

You’re not sending too many emails.

✨ You’re offering a meaningful, feel-good end to the year.

✨ You’re making a sacred invitation to be part of sacred work.

✨ You’re opening a bridge between what the donor wants to see in the world and their ability to make it so.

Keep going. I’m wishing you happy holidays with love, fundraising friend.


“i love you so much”
