“i love you so much”

”i love you
so much.”

This little mural in my hometown of Austin, TX has become
one of our city’s biggest tourist attractions. People swarm it day and night  for photo opps.

But why?

There’s no obvious local connection. It could exist anywhere, in any time or context. It’s so simple. There’s nothing extraordinary about it, by most standards.

Here’s my theory on why “i love you so much” draws crowdsand how it can help your fundraising:

🤍 We all long to hear this simple message. Moths to the flame!

🤍 We all need to say this to others. (And struggle to.)

🤍 It makes us feel great to hear it. It makes us feel great to say it.

And it’s your New Year go-to message! January is a crucial time to show your donors abundant thanks and love.. After all the hustle and noise of year-end fundraising, now is “i love you so much” time.

Make January a Thankuary to remember, following the lead of this beloved street art:

🤍 Keep it simple.

🤍 Make it human and heartfelt.

🤍 Make it feel personal and snapshot-worthy.

Terrific if you can report back on what their gift is achieving. Terrific if you can tell a story or photos showing impact. But whatever you do… don’t get lost in the weeds and let this month slip by in silence.

“i love you so much” is really all you need.




donating is a gift to the giver